7th October 1989 – Melody Maker -The Creatures


The Creatures featured on the cover.

The magazine paper is visibly worn, understandable for a document of such an age, but just adds to its retro charm.

A great vintage item which will look good on any wall – a good quality clip frame (sold separately) will help preserve the magazine and allow easy access to view the content.

1 in stock

SKU: melody-07101989 Category: Tags: , , , , ,


The Creatures featured on the cover.

The magazine paper is visibly worn, understandable for a document of such an age, but just adds to its retro charm.

A great vintage item which will look good on any wall – a good quality clip frame (sold separately) will help preserve the magazine and allow easy access to view the content.

Featured inside;

The Beautiful South

Jesus And Mary Chain

Tracy Chapman

Neil Young

Joe Strummer

The Ramones

Jesus Jones

The Creatures

Melody Maker magazine

Melody Maker was a British weekly pop/rock/electronic music newspaper, one of the world’s earliest music weeklies (according to its publisher, IPC Media, the earliest). It was founded in 1926, largely as a magazine for dance band musicians, by Leicester-born composer, publisher Lawrence Wright; the first editor was Edgar Jackson. In 2000 it was merged into β€œlong-standing rival” (and IPC Media sister publication) New Musical Express.

Extract from Wikipedia